Owner Name
Sonnette Se Studenthuis
Ladys Student Accommodation is a females only residence servicing local colleges, such as Varsity College, CTU, CTI, and ETA. It is located a mere walking distance to nearby colleges and near Greenacres in Port Elizabeth. For instance, walking distance to these institutions is as follows:
Ladys Student Accommodation operates from a block of Flats, which consists of single & sharing rooms. It is however, not an NSFAS Accredited accommodation. Rent is from R3500 per month. Amenities include uncapped Free Wi-Fi
Sonnette Se Studenthuis
Block of Appartments (Flats)
6001, Port Elizaberth, Eastern Cape, South Africa
Good Day,
I am enquiring for possible accommodation for a single female, starting at the end of the month.
Kind regards
Leatitia Alexander
January 25, 2023 at 8:26 pmGood evening we are looking for accomodation for my daughter first year student
January 26, 2023 at 11:43 amGood Day Madam,
I trust that you are well.
Please revisit the listing and click on the “Contact” button there. Your message will then reach them. I suggest that you WhatsApp them in addition to sending an email. Because sometimes Whatsapp works faster. Kind regards